
Immortalizing Maggie:
The Story Behind The Tattoo

I honestly never thought I would get another tattoo until a friend of mine got one of her beautiful blue healer when she passed away. I knew that day that when Maggie passed I would have her image on me somewhere.

This little dog is our world. She is with my wife and I everywhere we go. She has literally traveled the world. Everywhere from the Florida Keys, Miami, Telluride, Denver, Los Angeles,
Beverly Hills, Carmel, Seattle , Hawaii and Alaska to name a few highlights in the US. She has also traveled outside the US to the Cayan Islands, Cabo San Lucas, San Miquel de Allende,
Paris, Italy and her favorite place Costa Rica. She has given so much to us and I wanted to make sure she was able to continue traveling with me even after she left us.

josecontreras art animal tattoo artist realism

"The toughest part of having a dog is their lives are too short and a tattoo is a great way to keep them with us."

The toughest part of having a dog is their lives are too short and a tattoo is a great way to keep them with us.

As the years went by I started seeing some amazing tattoos of both people and pets. I started taking notes of the artist so I would be ready when the day came. Just when I thought I had seeing the perfect tattoo I would see someone doing it better. I started getting excited that it would not just be a memorial but possibly an incredible work of art I would love looking at everyday, but still I had not really made any meaningful connections.

When Maggie, now 15, was diagnosed with her third cancer I decided I wanted to get the tattoo before she passed away. I started really looking for the right artist. I went through a couple of really good artists but they just did not feel right and then I stumbled upon Jose’s work. I saw many great pieces of his but when I saw a Pug he had done and then read his story and passion for doing pets I knew he was the right person.

Relationships are important to me. They are what makes food taste great and travel more meaningful. When I met Jose and Ron I knew I was in the right place. They are lifelong friends and made me feel at home.

The session was great and Jose allowed me to be myself and really open up about how important Maggie was to me. My expectations were very high and when that happens I usually experience some level of disappointment. That was not the case with Jose. His finished product exceeded my expectations. I not only have my girl with me forever but I also tell everyone with pride how awesome Jose was.
